Meprasil Capsules

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Meprasil Capsule is a prescription medicine that is used for the short-term treatment of ulcers in the stomach and intestines. This medicine helps by reducing the level of acid in the stomach. Meprasil Capsule is also used to treat heartburn and indigestion caused by GERD, for the short-term treatment of inflammation of the food pipe, and for the long-term treatment of overproduction of stomach acid caused by various conditions of the stomach.

Meprasil Capsule may also be used along with other medicines in the treatment of certain conditions as recommended by the doctor. It is used with Clarithromycin, or Amoxicillin to reduce the risk of ulcers in the upper part of the small intestine called duodenal ulcers. It is also used together with Clarithromycin, or Metronidazole to remove certain bacterial infections which lead to stomach ulcers.

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