Chemiron Blood Tonic

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Chemiron Blood Nourishing Tonic includes Vitamin A and B Complex vitamins including B-12 and Vitamin C.

Vitamin A helps to protect the skin, improves vision and slows other aging processes.

Vitamin B-12 is essential to the growth of red blood cells and our nervous system – a deficiency of B-12 can contribute to depression. B Complex vitamins are used in every cell in the body and help to turn food into energy.

Vitamin C is vital to all humans and is essential to the immune system.

The Iron in Chemiron Tonic comes from ferrous gluconate which is easily absorbed and efficiently used by the body.

Iron deficiency is one of the world’s biggest nutritional problems as anaemia causes billions to suffer from fatigue, a weakened immune system and general ill health.

Chemiron Blood Nourishing Tonic and Blood Nourishing Capsules tackle iron deficiency to help restore lost vitality with a combination of added ingredients to promote good health, slow aging, tackle debilitating illnesses and boost work and athletic performance.

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